if this wasn’t my life, I would travel. perhaps by train, to the Mediterranean, or maybe by plane, to the Caribbean. only bringing a change of clothes, my passport and my straw hat, buy the rest when I get there. a small hotel, a few rooms, with white curtains billowing in the wind, overlooking the beach, the sea, the sky. coffee in a small cup while the sky first becomes rosy pink, then blue and finally black and full of the stars of the universe. the sea breeze rustling the leaves, growing still. the night air is filled with the heavy perfumes of flowers and I would just sit there, watching the night sky and then go lie in the big bed with the white sheets. this would be my life, if this life wasn’t mine.
Last week was my husbands last week of summer holiday and I had thought that with him wanting to be as much as possible with the kids I could get some writing done. Yeah right! Who was I kidding! Tuesday morning I woke with a sore throat and a few hours after that my voice was gone So instead of sitting down at my laptop, I lay flat out on the sofa drinking tea and feeling sorry for myself. The day after Pumpkin started to sneeze, and we had some fun nights with a very fussy baby resulting in me feeling even more poorly. All the writing and editing I had planned didn’t happen, but I did get to write some poetry.
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