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One way trip

“Moma? Moma, where are you?”
“Shh. Not a sound little girl. Not a sound.”
“Who are you? You don’t scare me! I want my moma!”
“For fuck’s sake! Hush!”
“You said a bad word!”
“And I’ll say plenty more unless you shut up…”


“Have you seen my little girl? She’s five, blonde and wearing a red dress.”
“No ma’am, I haven’t seen her.”
“Please. She was on the jungle gym, over there, said she’d go down the slide.”
“She’s probably still there, changed her mind.”
“No! No, I’ve looked. She’s not there. She never went down the slide, she’s gone!”


“Where am I?”
“That’s not an answer.”
“It’s good enough.”
“I want to know where I am! I want to know where I am! I WANNA KNOW!”
“Gee, haven’t I told you to shut it?!”
“Where am I?”
“In between. You’re in the in between. And if you don’t shut up you’ll get caught and sent onwards.”


“My little girl is missing and you don’t believe me!”
“Ma'am, of course we believe you.”
“No you don’t! You think I’m crazy!”
“Ma’am, calm down.”
“No! No I’ll not calm down!”


“What’s that noise?”
“What? Shit, shit, shit! They’ve heard you!”
“Stop with the fucking questions! Just. Shut. Up!”
“No, I’m not going to!”
“Well, shit. I didn’t want to do this…”
“What are you doing?! Why are you pushing me? I don’t want to go down the slide! NO!”


“A small human child. Is she scheduled to move on?”
“There’s no mention of her… but we have an empty space.”
“No, that space is for Selaphiel.”
“But Gabriel, we’ve searched for him for an eternity.”
“This child needs to be taken care of.”
“Send her to the Cherubs, there are too many to count anyway.”


“No! NO! NO!!!” 
“I’m sorry, they found her at the top of the slide…”


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